Lukashenka changes birthday to change karma

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has grown one day younger. It used to be considered that the President was born on August 30, however, the ONT channel congratulated the state leader and his son Mikalai on August 31 this year.

A famous Ukrainian astrologer Igor Kolomiyets says that people deliberately changed their birthday to influence their fates since the old days:

"The day, time and place of birth play an important part both in classic astrology and in Esotericism. The character, fate, personality and psychological type can be defined with their help. It is known that the Masonic order created a technique that could change karma by changing a person’s birthday.

Almost all important leaders belong to this or that Masonic lodge or just use their services nowadays. That is why I think that Lukashenka did it following advice of some Masonic clan. It does not matter whether the clan is from your country or from some other state. I think it was some clan’s advice to change a person’s karma quickly. And it can probably change the tactics of the state”.

What can be the consequences of changing the President’s birthday by one day? Igor Kolomiyets continues:

"I think there will be dramatic changes in Lukashenka’s retinue, in his circle and in the whole country”.

The President announced his new birthday in an interview with the editor-in-chief of a Russian edition “Tomorrow” Alexander Prohanov in June 2009 for the first time. The first official note appeared four months later: Irena Sauko, a participant of the general census, noted down in the census form that Alyaksandr Lukashenka had been born on August 31.

However, the change of the date was not noticed back then. Neither an information agency BelTA nor the newspaper “SB – Belarus Today” reacted to it. They still inform that the President was born on August 30.

The Present’s date of birth has only changed on his official website:

The information about the new birth date has not reached the school museum of Alyaksandr Lukashenka in the village of Alexandria either. The museum stand has preserved the old date – August 30.

"August 30, 1954. I know for sure and I assure you”, - said the deputy headmistress of the school to ERB.

One more stand indicating Lukashenka’s birthday used to be situated in Orsha Museum of Local Lore. However, the exposition that included the stand is closed … for reconstruction!

"I could look at the stand and tell you what date is indicated there but the exposition is closed for reconstruction at the moment, - said a museum employee. – We only have a small archeological exposition”.

Meanwhile, representatives of the authorities give different explanations why Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s date of birth has changed. The President’s press service has informed an Internet edition “Solidarity” that “the President’s date of birth has not changed” and that “it has always been August 31”.

BelaPAN refers to a source in the President’s Administration and reports that the Belarusian leader was born on August 31, however, “the baby was registered on August 30 as his mother arrived in hospital on that day” because “nobody used timers in village hospitals in the 50s so the exact time of the baby’s birth was not registered.

The President had not considered the day to be important until his younger son Mikalai was born on August 31. After Mikalai’s birth the President asked his mother about the details of his own birth and found out that he had to celebrate his birthday on August 31”.