A million may disappear from your bank card!

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The last incident was analyzed by head of the National Bank Nadzeya Yermakova.
“The cash machine did not give me the money. I received a receipt and did not get the money. It happened a week ago”, - complained Syarhei Patalyatau from Drahichyn during a line with the head of the National Bank organized by the newspaper “SB. Belarus Today”.

Nadzeya Yermakova promised to solve the problem. As Euroradio has found out – it did help. Syarhei received his money after the weekend, informs Drahichyn banking services centre. However, the head of the National Bank did not solve the problem personally.
“Such an official would not phone us personally. She has certain specialists to deal with it… It was a November weekend. We returned the money on Tuesday or Wednesday. We did it within a week”.

Euroradio has found out that similar incidents occur at least once a month. A cash machine may print a receipt for you without giving you the money.
Sometimes people withdraw a sum of money without taking the receipt. “Belagroprombank” assures that you will receive your money in any case but you have to write an application.

“Belagroprombank ": “Unfortunately, they will not return the money if he did not apply for it. There are no applications or documents proving that he withdrew the money…”

Thus, you should send an application to the bank cards department in your bank, advises “Belarusbank”:

“You should send an application. An investigation will be conducted. The procedure may take up to 30 days. If it our bank’s cash machine, it will be easier, we will check electronic registries, cash messengers and watch videos. If it is some other bank’s cash machine, we will send an official inquiry. An investigation will be conducted and they will inform us about its results. But it may take more time”.

However, such incidents are rare, claims “Belarusbank”.

"Belagroprombank ": “Such incidents are very rare. We may receive two phone calls a month. Most of the cases are connected with card problems – when a cash machine won’t return you the card”.