"Porsche Cayenne case" to be considered in court on February 11

16.00. The trial has been suspended till morning, February 12.

15.00. The Deputy Headmaster of school # 23 says that the school addressed to the traffic police asking to place a barrier at the entrance to the school territory. They were refused, like, there was the "No Entrance" sign, so there's no need for the barrier.

The case materials are being read out. They say that the school administration addressed to the city authorities many times asking to build a fence around the school territory. They were refused due to "cease of the project's financing".

14.00. The trial has been resumed. The lawyer of the casualty filed an appeal to interrogate the Deputy Headmaster of school # 23. The judge said yes, and started reading out the case materials while waiting to the Deputy Headmaster to come.

12.30. A break has been announced till 14.10.

12.25. The deceased boy's mother, grandmother and grandfather were interrogated in the court.

12.05. Andrei Zababura drew a scheme of his route and comments upon it.

11.55. Interrogation of the accused started. He said that he had the driver's license for 12 years. The car which he drove to the school that night belonged to the company where he worked.

The accused: "That night I came home in the evening. I needed to take my son to karate lessons. The sports center is located in the front of the school # 23 building. The school territory is not indicated. There were two road signs "No Parking" and "No Entrance". I drove farther. There were cars parked everywhere. I took my son to the classes, got back, turned around and drove in the direction of the street. I was driving at a low speed - 18-20 kilometers per hour. I noticed a shadow near one of the cars. I didn't hear or feel the impact. I applied the brakes. When I went out of the car, I noticed a boy near one of the back wheels. He was partly lying under the car... I pulled him out, unbuttoned his collar... People ran there. I called my wife and talked to her shortly. Then I called the police...

The school territory wasn't illuminated. The whole roadside was crowded with parked cars. I didn't see children playing there. I only saw adults at the illuminated territory closer to the school building".

11.20. The third witness in the case - Andrei F. He is a young man. On the night of the tragedy he was walking around the school building with his children.

Andrei F.: "I saw cars moving there. I banned by daughter from going in that direction. At a certain moment, I heard the impact and the horrid cry "No!". I ran there and saw what happened. A man was standing near the boy. The accused was standing there looking at the kid at the moment we approached. I can't tell exactly what he was doing as we also looked at the boy. We tried to help him... Another man tried to conduct an artificial breath procedure... The accused was crying, saying "Why all this happened to me?". Then a woman came to the car accident site, and started rendering medical help, she had some experience.

It was very dark. Just one lamp was working. Many cars were parked along the school pavement".

11.00. Interrogation of another witness - Yauhen S. - started. This is the other boy who took a walk near school # 23 on that evening. He is 9 years old. The boy is accompanied by his legal representative - his mother.

Yauhen: "I study in the second shift. I had lessons till 6 p.m. on that day. After classes we played the catch-up game, ran around the school building with my class-mates. There were cars parked near the pavements. Uladz was running beside the pavement, then across the road. He was trying to catch Matsvei, who was on the opposite side of the road. I didn't see how Uladz was run over by a car... The driver went out of the car and started pulling Uladz from under the vehicle. We got frightened and ran home".

The boy also said that cars often drove near the school building. However, the kids were not afraid of running and playing there as it was the school territory, not street.

The accused is standing in the cage all the time. Two policemen are guarding him. Another one keeps order in the audience.

10.50. Interrogation of witnesses began. Matsvei M. was called first. He is one of the boys who saw the moment when "Porsche Cayenne" ran Uladz over. The boy entered the court hall together with his legal representative - the mother. They sat in the first row.

The prosecutor asked the boy in which school and form he studied, and what happened on that day. Matsvei: "On that day, we stayed after classes to play. We were running around the school building. The task was to catch one another, and run away. We were hiding around the school so the others would not find us. We tried not to be caught by other kids... It was dark in the place we were running around. The light came from the windows at the second floor... We were hiding behind the lamp-posts... There were many cars there. They were parked. Uladz ran away from me at first, and then he was trying to catch me. He was running behind me. Running, running, running. The cars were moving. Two of them drove by first, and then the next one ran over him. I didn't see any of him anymore. I walked around the car and saw him lying under it. I ran away. Uladz was lying under the back wheels".

10.35. The accused denies guilt under all the accusation claims.

10.26. The second appeal - the lawyer addressed to the technician with a right to give official conclusions. The conclusion describes all circumstances of the car accident and claims that the inspection of the accident site was conducted poorly.

10.20. Social educator Maryna Alyakhnovich is in the court hall. Her presence is necessary as there are minors witnessing in court today.

The lawyer of the accused spoke up with an appeal. He asked to attach the documents which confirm that the accused and both his companies were active in charity, to the case materials. He enlisted the sums which the accused transferred to orphanages - Br 10 million, Br 10 million, Br 10 million, Br 15 million.

10.10. The trial started. Before the start, the judge raised the question on whether to allow taking pictures and videos. The casualty left this for the judge to decide. The accused did not object but his lawyer said there were underage casualties at the trial. Therefore, he thinks it reasonable to prohibit photos and videos. The judge took the decision to send off photographers and video operators.

The accused is sitting in the cage, the judge is interrogating him.

There are about 40 people in the court hall, half of them are journalists.


The driver of the Porsche Cayenne who killed a 9-year-old Minsk schoolboy back on November 13, 2012, will stand trial. The accident happened near school #23 in Minsk micro-district Sukharava.

According to the information provided by interfax.by with a reference to the Prosecutor General Office, the man is accused of "violation of traffic movement rules or rules for operating vehicles, which caused a person's death due to carelessness". The accused stays in custody until the trial.

Photo - ctv.by