Prices for fuel increase since May 24: АІ-92 - 3950, diesel fuel - 3900

The concern "Belnaftahim" increases prices for fuel since May 24. Prices for petrol will grow by 20% in average, prices for diesel fuel - by 24%. Petrol stations' employees have told Euroradio about this:

Petrol station's employee: “We have just received a fax message confirming change of prices. Н-80 will cost 3850 Br per liter, АІ-92 – 3950, АІ-95 – 4350 and diesel fuel - 3900”.

Prices for oil products increased on March 31, 2011 for the last time, by 10,5% in average.



Price of May 23, 2011

Price of May 24, 2011

АІ-92- 3300

АІ-92 - 3950

АІ-95 - 3750

АІ-95 - 4350

Н- 80 - 3150

Н-80 – 3850

DF - 3150

DF - 3900