A1 owner set to sell business in Belarus

A1 - Belarus' largest cellular operator
Belarusian mobile operator A1 may be sold. This is the intention of Mexican telecommunications giant America Movil -- the majority shareholder of A1 Telekom Austria Group.
Citing sources in the business community, the Austrian newspaper Kurier reports that the company, which owns a 51% stake in A1 Telekom Austria Group, recently voted to end its business in Belarus. But trade unions and employee representatives of the Austrian group were against it.
The main reason for keeping the business in Belarus is the profitability of the Belarusian A1. This is one of the most profitable divisions of A1 Telekom Austria Group. The article's authors believe that the Mexican business will not leave Belarus, even despite the threats of nationalization voiced by the Belarusian propaganda and personally by Aliaksandr Lukashenka.
Otherwise, a buyer for such an asset would not be difficult to find. Russians or Chinese can buy a stake in A1. However, this would lead to the loss of jobs in Austria, which the trade unions do not want to allow.
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