Additional duties may be imposed on overseas online purchases

Purchases in foreign shops costing more than 22 euros may have fees introduced on them in the amount of 15 euros. These measures could affect all the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.
Issues of cross-border e-commerce are planned for discussion on November 23 at the meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), RBC reports.
According to the Russian media, the working group has prepared two draft decisions on e-commerce. In the first draft, exempt from customs duties will be goods cheaper than 22 euros and weighing less than 1 kg. For parcels that fall within the range of 22-150 euros and 1-10 kg, customers will have to pay a fee of 15 euros. The products costing more than 150 euros (or) with gross weight exceeding 10 kg, will require an additional fee of 15 euros plus 30% of the customs value, but not less than 4 Euros per 1 kg of body weight.
The second draft decision provides that the goods with customs value of up to 150 Euros and weighing less than 10 kg will be subject to a fee of 10 euros. If the customs value of the premises exceeds 150 euros, and weight - 10 kg, then the fee is 10 euros plus 30% of the customs value, but not less than 4 Euros per 1 kg of body weight.
It is also planned to consider the possibility of reducing the threshold for duty-free Internet trade from the current 1,000 euros to 150 euros. Weight of the duty-free packages will be limited to 10 kg. For those who fit into the limits of parcels, the ECE wants to introduce a fixed fee - 25 euros. Exceeding this limit will have you pay both a fee, and customs duties.
Photo: YAY / TASS