Belarus limits duty-free international parcels to 22 euros

Duty-free import of international parcels in Belarus has been limited to EUR 22 and 10 kg. The Decree No 40 was signed by President Lukashenka on 11 February. It amended the previous decree (#360) signed on July 21, 2014. "On movement of goods for personal use through the customs border of the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus."
According to the decree, within a calendar month, an individual may receive without payment of customs duties goods for personal use, sent by international mail or delivered to the carrier, if its customs value does not exceed 22 euros, and gross weight - 10 kg. Earlier, these figures amounted to € 200 and 31 kg.
The decree by Aliaksandr Lukashenka will take effect two months after its official publication, informs the National Legal Internet Portal.
As Euroradio informed earlier, last year the chairman of the Council of the Republic Mikhail Myasnikovich said that the "the Belarusian trade collapsed" due to the parcels sent from abroad. For the first six months of 2015, residents of Belarus received 4.4 million parcels with goods from abroad.