Belarus musicians released after detention

Lavon Volski upon release / Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Famous musicians Lavon Volski, Ihar Varashkevich, Zmicier Vaitsiushkevich and Pavel Arakelan have been released from Central District Police Station in Minsk. They were detained at 1830 when trying to stage a performance in a street. The musicians said they spent two hours outdoors in the police station's yard. They were released after preventive conversations.Известных музыкантов Лявона Вольского, Игоря Ворошкевича, Дмитрия Войтюшкевича и Павла Аракеляна освободили из Центрального РУВД Минска. Их задержали вечером 25 марта при попытке организовать уличный концерт. Около 21 часа музыки были освобождены. По их словам, два часа они простояли на улице. С ними провели профилактические беседы и отпустили.
"We are free... This shows what kind of country we live," Volski told reporters.
Other detainees but one woman have also been released. The musicians said there were a total of 15 people detained in central Minsk in connection with the Freedom Day celebrations.