Could sportsmen deliberately fail at Olympics?

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Let us remind you that the official said at the joint collegiums of the Ministry of Sport and the NOC: there is information about some athletes who  deliberately avoided showing good results at the London Olympics.  

The state track and field athletics coach, Alyaksandr Trashchyla, was blamed most.

Ex-Minister of Sport Yury Sivakou was indignant when he heard it:

“It seemed to me that I knew Kachan well. However, his statements have made me feel ashamed because of his incompetence".

Yury Sivakou does not think that any kind of sabotage was possible:

“Nobody wants to reach good results more than sportsmen do".

The portal informs that Aleh Kachan blamed even those who did not deserve it at all. Speaking about shot-putter Andrei Mihnevich who had injured his back during the competition he said: "I do not care about his trauma, he had to put the shot".

Promising athlete Nastassya Mironchyk-Ivanova, a long jumper, did not manage to demonstrate the result she was capable of at London Olympics. But she is indignant at the  statements about sabotage.

Nastassya has shared her opinion about the reason why athletes were not successful.

Nastassya Mironchyk-Ivanova: “We are in the process of digenesis. The older athletes are leaving and the younger ones including myself are coming. I made it to the final and this is just the beginning of my career. That is why making it to the final is not bad either".

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