Kurapaty standoff: Dashkevich says tents near restaurant not feasible

Activists should not put up tents near the restaurant 'Poedem, Poedim' situated on the Kurapaty memorial in Minsk's suburbs because it is not feasible, Zmicier Dashkevich said in a video stream on Facebook.
Tents near Kurapaty will not yield a good result because few people will be able to participate in this struggle, Dashkevich reckons. “Maybe a dozen people will stay there for a few weeks but the number will be decreasing with time,” he said.
The activist suggested two other forms of protest. Firstly, an economic boycott can be started. Journalists have found out who the owner of the restaurant is and it would be worth boycotting their businesses, Dashkevich said.
He also suggested exercising moral pressure on visitors and employees of the restaurant: leaflets containing information about Kurapaty should be given out.
“Kurapaty is a sacred place, you cannot do one thing today and something else tomorrow," Dashkevich argues. He also suggests that activists should take stock of their resources before organizing the defense of Kurapaty.
Pavel Sevyarynts detained by the police yesterday evening has already been released, Dashkevich said.