Security guards fired over clash with shop customers in Homel

Two customers clashed with the security guards over a chocolate bar in the morning on August 10. It is not clear on CCTV footage if the chocolate was paid for and who started the fight in the video that leaked to the Internet. However, the video leaves no doubt that the guards beat both the guy and the girl, and that both parties swore badly. The law-enforcement agencies checked who started the fight and who was guilty of the offense.

According to Internet portal, the security guards of the Evroopt store have been fired. The store owners - EuroTrade - carried out an interior investigation, all videos were watched thoroughly. It turned out that the customers were drunk, behaved aggressively, swore and provoked the clash with the security guards. Nevertheless, the company's bosses reckon the guards' behaviour was unacceptable as they broke their professional standards. The bosses decided to discharge the security guards involved in the incident.