Freelance journalist forcefully detained in Svetlahorsk

У Светлагорску міліцыя сілай затрымала журналіста-фрылансера Кастуся Жукоўскага

Freelance journalist Kastus Zhhukouski from Homel was on April 13 forcefully detained by the police in the town of Svetlahorsk, local resident Alena Masluykova who witnessed the situation told Viasna human rights center.

According to reports, a meeting between the district officials and local self-employed entrepreneurs was scheduled to take place at 1400.

Journalist Kastus Zhukouski was also near the building of adminstration. Ideology department official Ala Mankevich told the freelancer he was not allowed to shoot videos and called the police. When the police arrived, Zhukouski had already entered the building of the district administration. Alena Maslyukova narrated what happened next: "I saw him being literally dragged out and police using force. Kastus Zhukouski was taken to the police station." The journalist spent two hours there.

Zhukouski was detained for making shooting videos on numerous occasions and tried for illegal production of a media product. Since the beginning of the year, he has been subjected to admnstrative trials in Karma, Kalinkavichy, Zhytkavichy, Mazyr, Homel, and Zhlobin. The fines has totalled over Br70 million (approx. $3500).
