Interior minister comments on rainbow flag at UK embassy in Minsk

Photo: Euroradio
Belarus Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich voiced his opinion on the rainbow flag that the UK embassy in Minsk had flown on 17 May, International Day against Homophobia. Interior Ministry later criticized it in a statement, accusing the UK of creating "problems where they do not exist."
Interior Minister Shunevich commented on the situation on the Belarus 1 state TV channel as follows:
"We believe that firstly we have no right not to react to this kind of events. This is an internal affair of the country and our ministry.... I call it a propaganda of a lifestyle that is not acceptable by us. This is the main reason why we felt we needed to issue our commentary on this after some time.
Quite frankly, the penetration of this unnatural, unusual and other destructive phenomena and ideology is happening. Unfortunately, there is no other immunity to this than our history and religion."