Ministry of Labour: Citizens accept pension age increase

The schedule of pension allocation has not changed, deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection Valery Kavalkou said. No changes to this schedule are being discussed, BELTA quotes the official.
The Belarusian population agrees that the pension age increase is necessary and online surveys do not reflect the real public opinion, the deputy Minister noted.
"All surveys need to be representative and should embrace different social and age groups. You cannot say that all Belarusians are active Internet users or frequent visitors of certain websites,” Kavalkou explained.
The public opinion about the pension age increase was studied with the help of written appeals and e-mails, phone calls and public surveys, he said. Trade unions, all hands and mass media were involved in the process.
"The reasons for the pension age increase were discussed with people and it brought results: citizens gradually agreed with the decision,” BELTA quotes the official.