Mother searches for Ukrainian volunteer missing in Belarus

Natalia Zakharenko / "Time Chernihiv".
Ukrainian volunteer from Chernihiv Natalia Zakharenko is missing in Belarus, her relatives are sure.
The woman helped Ukrainian refugees to return home from Belarus. Since July 19, she has not been in touch, writes the Ukrainian edition of"Time Chernihiv".
"I wrote to many poeple and places - to the embassy, the prosecutor's office, the Foreign Ministry. At the embassy I was told that she was not among the detainees. I don't know where to go or whom to contact. I don't have the strength," says the mother of the missing volunteer Nadezhda Zakharenko.
At the beginning of the full-scale war, part of the Chernihiv region bordering Belarus was occupied. At that time many people left the occupation for Belarus. And then they decided to return home. Natalia helped those people. She came to Mazyr in Belarus with her own car, picked up people and their belongings and took them home.
Before the trip she always made an announcement in the general volunteer chat room, and people from different cities of Ukraine sent her "deliveries" for their relatives who were in Belarus at that time.
Natalia made such trips to Belarus for about a year and kept in touch with her loved ones all the time. If you know how to contact Natalia Zakharenko, please write to our editorial office or to the editorial office of the Ukrainian edition of "Time Chernihiv".
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