New school uniform to protect boys from mobile phone radiation

The Babruisk-based apparel factory Slavianka has started manufacturing school uniforms that protect boys from mobile phone radiation. Unfortunately, it is only for boys, because girls “will fail to understand”, the factory says. Protective uniforms for schoolgirls will probably be designed next year after demand evaluation.

The European Radio for Belarus has received more details about the secret of this new uniform from Tsimur Bacharyshvili, CEO Slavianka. He says that nobody in Belarus has ever produced such uniform for schoolchildren. The secret is that a special protective material is inserted into jacket pockets.

“A polyamide patch is inserted into pockets in order to protect the body from this radiation. The fabric, which has more than 100 patents, was invented in Germany. We made tests by wrapping a mobile phone into a piece of this fabric. When you make a call, the operator tells you that the phone has been switched off”, Bachyrashvili said.

Lyubou Kisyaliova, the head of marketing at Slavianka, explains why they decided to protect only boys from mobile phone radiation.

“We can’t make it for girls. They will not understand it, because they have slim line jackets… We have not planned it for girls yet. We can’t make an external pocket for them, either. This year, it is only for boys. Perhaps, we will come up with something for girls as well next year…”

Tsimur Bacharyshvili says that demand should be evaluated before starting to manufacture protective uniforms for girls. Not everyone has an adequate reaction to the new uniform.

“We are still studying the demand. Some express great interest, some are totally indifferent…”

Meanwhile, protective uniforms have already been on sale in the capital’s department stores. The factory plans to manufacture 20,000 uniforms by the back-to-school time in September.
