Participant of unauthorized action gets fined for Br720 thousand in Minsk

Удзельніка стыхійнай апазіцыйнай акцыі ў Мінску аштрафавалі на 720 тысяч рублёў

Minsk Maskouski District Court (judge Tatstsyana Matyl) has fined Arturk Zhuk for Br720 thousand for participation in the spontaneous opposition action on the Election Day. He has been punished ‘for swearing’, human rights defenders report.


Two policemen in plain clothes visited Zhuk at work on Thursday. They drew up a report and summoned him to court.

Several hundred people took part in the spontaneous protest action on Minsk on October 11. They marched from October Square towards Independence Square.


Photo: Euroradio