People queue for dollars in provinces
Dollars and euro can still be easily bought in Minsk.
The Belarusian rouble keeps going down and has set a new anti-record of Br17836 (euro - 20474) in the National Bank.
There is enough foreign currency in Minsk currency exchange offices.
However, dollars and euro are disappearing in the Belarusian provinces.
No dollars have been delivered today and there is no foreign currency available in exchange offices, the main department of Luninets affiliate of Belarusbank told Euroradio.
“We can only sell the dollars that people bring to us. There is a crowd waiting now and I cannot tell you if there will be money when you arrive. Some people are paying for services, others want to buy dollars. There is no foreign currency now but it may be delivered by 4 p.m. You may come and check,” a Luninets bank affiliate employee reported.
There are no dollars and euro in some state banks of Homel either. Clients can buy foreign currency only when someone else sells it.
There are enough dollars in Baranavichy Bealrusbank in Shtokerau Boulevard. However, there are a lot of clients exchanging roubles for foreign currency now. The situation is the same in Hrodna and Polatsk.
“There are a lot of people buying dollars here,” Hrodna Belarusbank employees said.