Perspektyva: Authorities won’t allow entrepreneurs’ forum

Perspectiva keeps getting refused when trying to rent halls for the economic forum of entrepreneurs, head of the association Anatol Shumchanka told BelaPAN. The forum will be called “Entrepreneurs and authorities: open dialogue for confidence-building”.
Shumchanka conducted negotiations with the managers of the hotel Belarus in order to rent a hall there on May 16. They refused him and explained it by a phone call from Minsk City Executive Committee. "Minsk City Executive Committee officials phoned them and said that they did not like something about the previous forums,” the head of Perspectiva said.
The administration of the hotel Victoria agreed to lease a conference hall to the association at first. However, they refused Shumchanka on April 11 and explained it by a phone call from Minsk City Executive Committee.
Shumchanka does not understand why the City Executive Committee is interfering in the organization’s affairs. “We are not going to the square. We want to rent a hall. But they are ousting us. It is not clear why the hotels do not want to make money on leasing their halls because of some official’s opinion,” the leader of Perspectiva said indignantly.
The forum will be conducted in any case, Shumchanka claimed.