Zmitser Dashkevich goes to Ministry of Culture to discuss white-red-white flag

Zmitser Dashkevich. Photo: Eduard Palchys’s Facebook.
The Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich visited the Belarusian Ministry of Culture on Tuesday. He presented a scientific basis for the historic value of the white-red-white flag to officials. Eduard Palchys, the founder of the accompanied him. He streamed the visit on Facebook. The Supreme Court of Belarus announced the white-red-white flag (and the emblem Pahonya) to be state symbols 26 years ago. The flag preserved the status until 1995.
Members of the Young Front collected 10 thousand signatures in support of announcing the white-red-white flag an object of historic and cultural value in Belarus last year. However, officials demanded ‘a scientific basis’ for it. PhD Alyaksandr Kuryanovich has helped the activists to compile the corresponding document. It can be found here.