BPF office still empty

They ousted the party to use the office for their own needs, but the office is still empty. Euroradio tried to rent an empty office in a very convenient place. 

However, we had to calm down as representatives of the non-residential accommodation fund of the Soviet district administration of housing and maintenance told us to not even try - this office will not be rented anymore.

Euroradio: "We are looking for a new office now, will it be possible to rent the former office of the BPF party?"

"This is pointless, – a representative of the housing and maintenance administration broke our last hope. – We reserved it for the needs of the housing and exploitation service. It has been executed as premises belonging to the housing and exploitation service and will not be rented. The fact that they do not occupy it at the moment doesn't mean anything".

However, representatives of the housing and exploitation service located near the former BPF office told us they did not operate the premises.

"This is the prerogative of the administration of housing and maintenance to decide whether to rent it or not. You need to address there", – they sent us back.

The premises were cleared for the needs of the housing and exploitation service by the court therefore it would be used by the communal workers for yet another year, says head of the Soviet district housing and maintenance administration Anatol Yarashevich:

"These premises were cleared for the needs of the housing and exploitation service. It is used for the needs of the housing and exploitation service and will be used the same way for a year. After that it will be given to the center of social protection".

Euroradio: Why don't the housing and exploitation service occupy the office now?"

"They do. They use it as they need".

In summer, the rent for the office was about Br 8 million per month. At least Br 24 million (approximately 2 thousand euros) could have been earned on it for the three months of idleness. The office is empty, no one did anything there and even the signs left by the previous owners remain on the walls.

Besides, a criminal case may be started against the BPF for these signs. The housing and maintenance administration demands money for the damaged property.

"The Soviet district housing and maintenance administration which operates this office filed a claim that we had damaged the premises and should pay 19 million roubles as a compensation", –Vice-Chairman of the party Ryhor Kastusyou says.