Freedom Day's organizers waiting for creativity from its participants

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The application for the Freedom Day celebration on March 25 was taken to the Minsk city executive committee on February 23. The route of the rally is familiar - from the Academy of Sciences to the Bangalore Square. Then, as always, a demonstration with demands to release political prisoners, to hold free election and to stop giving in the country's independence.

"Won't there be any creativity this time again?", — Euroradio has asked the members of the steering committee, and in the first place - artist Alyaksej Marachkin.

Alyaksej Marachkin: "The program is still to be discussed at the steering committee's session on February 27. However, there have already been suggestions to involve our bard singers, and poets, so that it wouldn't be so dull".

Meanwhile, Victar Ivashkevich advises that the participants of the action should bring some creativity themselves, and not just demand the organizers to be creative.

Victar Ivashkevich : "Just look how the actions in Moscow are made interesting by the participants, not by the organizers. Each participant thinks for himself, which poster he will hold, which costume he would wear, which show he will demonstrate. I want to underline - people, take some initiative!"

According to member of the steering committee Ihar Lyalkou, almost all parties, movements and civil campaigns sent their representatives to the committee. Euroradio asked whether they also hope only for creativity from the side of the common participants of the action.

Andrej Dzmitryeu has confessed to Euroradio: "Tell the Truth!" stood against this from the very start. However, if the decision is taken they will try to fill the holiday with their creativity.

Andrej Dzmitryeu: "We will try to think of something in the framework of the positive protest concept. Naturally, we will offer our ideas when we have any. However, there have been no offers so far - just internal discussions".

"We must not do any ritual activity, — Alyaksandr Milinkevich says. — For me, going to the Bangalore Square is impossible. I am ready to come to the Academy of Sciences and I will do that, but I will never go to Bangalore since the year 2006. Therefore, it is difficult for me to take over responsibility for some new recipes or new scenarios when the idea which I never supported much actually won".

Correspondingly, members of the movement "For Freedom" didn't even think about any kind of creativity.

However, deputy Chairman of the left party "Fair World" Valery Ukhnalyou fully supports the idea of celebrating the Freedom Day in the traditional format.

Valery Ukhnalyou: "I am ready to participate in a demonstration, or whatsoever, in the Bangalore square, and I don't think that in today's reality we need some other, more creative, more active and probably less compatible to the current situation action of the democratic forces".

Victar Ivashkevich invites to come to the sessions of the Freedom Day's steering committee and to suggest creative ideas, not just to "mock the aqsaqals of the Belarusian opposition in the social networks".

Besides, the organizers have no idea what they will do with the action if the authorities do not allow the rally and the demonstration. They do not want any confrontations with the police and the suggestions stop on that.

Photo by: Zmicier Lukashuk