Girl involved in handicapped man beating says afraid to go out
Chrystsina changes apartment after her address is published on the Internet, with threats pronounced.
Crystsina: I have been insulted and threatened. I will simply delete my web page. There's too much negative information. I am afraid to go out. People look back on me in public transport. They wrote threats on the wall and then in PMs. "We will find you, louse!". I had to move to another flat because they kept threatening to come to me.
Euroradio: Who wrote those threats?
Crystsina: I don't know. I cannot attend my classes because I'm scared.
Euroradio: Haven't you tried going out since then?
Crystsina: I have, and I look different now.
Euroradio: Have you used the metro since then?
Crystsina: I have but people pay attention to me, point at me and say: "That's that girl from the metro." A friend of mine heard some guys talking about me: "The girl must be fed up with living." I covered my face, put on other clothes but kept hearing whispers and saw people pointing their fingers at me.
Euroradio: How did you find out that you were wanted?
Crystsina: I learnt about it on TV.
Euroradio: How were you detained?
Crystsina: Everyone says that the criminals were detained but we came to the police ourselves. I was at my mother's, we got up in the morning and were going to leave. Mom phoned the police and asked them where we had to go. And they asked: "Where are you? We will come". We went out.
Euroradio: Were the others brought to the District Department of the Interior by the police too?
Crystsina: They came themselves, I was the only one they brought there. They say that their VK pages were not even found.
Euroradio: How did they get to the police?
Crystsina: They came there on their own. It turns out that I was the only one who was found.