Palazhanka appeals to judge and casualties in Dashkevich-Lobau case

The “Young Front” Vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka has addressed to the judge Alena Shylko and to the so-called “casualties” Kanstantsin Savitski and Aleh Malyshau, who are to become the key figures at the court trial against Zmitser Dashkevich and Edward Lobau on March 21, with an open letter on the Constitution Day, the "Young Front" press-center informs.

"This message is addressed to you as a person who takes over responsibility before God and people at this disgraceful court trial against the “Young Front” leaders.

I am asking you not to allow any illegacy at the trial, and I also remind you about moral and criminal responsibility for unfair sentence, and urge you to release our friends and allies", — Palazhanka writes to the judge.

Palazhanka writes that she is appealing to the judge today, on the Constitution Day, not accidentally. "If the Word of God is not an authority for you, then, maybe, the Constitution is? In this case, I remind you the following “judges are independent and obey only the Law when they take decisions”, - she writes.

Kanstantsin Savitski, Aleh Malyshau – you happened to be casualties in the Dashkevic-Lobau criminal case. An ungodly witness scorneth judgment (Proverbs 19:28). Don’t scorneth the court trial on March 21, and God will praise you. 

The guys will go out of prison sooner or later. And what about you? Where will you be? Everyone will be brought to judgment upon his own ways. And I am appealing to you, addressing to the Word of God: Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate. (Amos 5:15). 

 "As for us, we will do our best to achieve release of our friends and all the people who are still imprisoned", — the "Young Front" activist writes.