Strangers chain entrance to Belarusian Embassy to Warsaw (photo)

An unusual action was conducted near the Belarusian Embassy to Warsaw in the afternoon of February 16. Strangers chained the entrance and attached a padlock to it thus paralyzing the work of the Embassy. "The action was lively and more interesting that the other action organized by Belarusians in Warsaw. – said a witness to Euroradio. – People usually go out to streets holding portraits and it looks sad. However, it was a creative approach”. Euroradio managed to phone the press secretary of the Belarusian Embassy to Warsaw at about 2.25 p.m. “It is true that strangers attached a chain with a padlock on the gate at about 11.45 a.m. We called the police immediately”, - he said and added that he did not know whether the police managed to release embassy employees from this sudden prison and remove the padlock quickly enough”.