Tax inspectorate: Belstat asks us to send reports on floppy discs

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Euroradio has found 250 “3.5-inch plastic floppy discs” in the annual purchase plan of the Economy Committee of Minsk City Executive Committee. 375 thousand roubles will be allocated from the city budget for it.
According to Minsk Partisan District Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxation, Belstat asks them to send reports on floppy discs.
Minsk Partisan District Tax Inspectorate:  “In general, young employees use flash drives. However, Belstat wants floppy discs. But there are only a few reports and we send them once a quarter. Our employees send such reports on floppy discs”.

Rahachou District Tax Inspectorate does not use any floppy discs. They use flash drives or electronic avowal. However, according to an employee of the district inspectorate, there are problems with computers.

Rahachou District Tax Inspectorate: “I think we have problems with computers like everywhere. Tax payers come and see what we use”.

Alena Kandratsenka, press secretary of Belstat, says that the usage of floppy discs may be caused by poor technical equipment in the provinces. Euroradio has found out that there are some issues in Belstat too.

Alena Kandratsenka: “There is different equipment in Belstat too. It is a budget organization”.

At the same time Dzyanis Myaleshkin, head of the department of state statistic surveys of Belstat, says that they have not recommended using floppy disks. However, he does not exclude the fact that these media may be used somewhere.

Dzyanis Myaleshkin: “Floppy discs are not used anywhere. We use flash drives to send information. I do not even know is what cases floppy discs can be used. They may still be found somewhere".

Euroradio asked the media shop “Old House” who bought floppy drives most often. It turned out that the shop had not sold any for six months.

Employee of “Old House”: “Well, floppy drives are gone. Tax inspectorates buy discs now. We are still asked about floppy drives sometimes. However, some companies have stopped producing them”.

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