There are enough officials in Belarus to make three armies!

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Such decision was taken by the Council of Ministers' resolution dated December 30, 2011. It states that the budget for maintenance of the government will not be cut down. Therefore, salaries and extra payments for those officials who will stay will be increased. 

The Council of Ministers' press-secretary Volha Douhaya doesn't know the exact number of officials there yet, as she only works in the Council for the third day... As for the total number of state employees in Belarus, it was measured for the last time back in 2009.

"Nothing has changed for the two years", — says head of the labour statistics administration of BelStat Alyaksej Tarasenka. The number might probably even get down…

BelStat: "We only have information for the year 2009. However, it is quite stable. The point is, the number of state officials has been informed to every state institution, these norms haven't changed since 2009. If there were changes, they were only in the direction of decrease".

Euroradio has clarified that the number of state officials was getting bigger from year to year till 2009! The increase was 150 people or more.

Belarus' state apparatus in 2003-2009 






Total number of state officials*

52 709

52 976

53 464

53 703

Number of state officials with working experience more than 20 years

7 063

8 106

8 980

9 390

*Not counting force structures

The total number of officials who worked in the state administration authorities in 2011  — 168,5 thousand people.

"This is a rather broad concept, all the levels are included here, starting from settlements' committees ending with republican authorities of state administration. This is not only the central apparatus, but the whole link of the executive power, starting from the lowest link", - Alyaksej Tarasenka has explained to Euroradio.

This makes 3,5 % from the total number of officials in the country. 38,4% of them earned 1,5-2 million Belarusian roubles in 2010. As for the average salary, it made only ... 1,5 million Belarusian roubles. Now the salaries are highly likely to increase.

There is also a promise in the regulation, apart from bigger salaries, to find employment for those officials who were less lucky…