Leader of entrepreneurs detained in Minsk

Head of the republican civil association Perspectva Anatol Shumchanka was taking part in the meeting at Zhdanovichy market. Information about his arrest appeared later. The police also seized Radio Liberty journalist Ihar Karnei, Narodnaya Volya reporter Ales Sivaha and 2 or 3 other people. They were heading for the trade centre Parking from Zhdanovichy. Representatives of Minsk Soviet District Department of the Interior stopped them and took them to the police office, Radio Liberty reports.

Photo: svaboda.org


Information about participants of the strike is still being collected. Head of the civil association Perspectiva Anatol Shumchanka told Euroradio:

"There is preliminary information. Kastsyukovichy are on strike. Baranavichy – the central farm market and the market near the bus depot Palesski. Polatsk farm market. About 300 people have gathered in Zhdanovichy, World of Fashion is closed; the tents and the nonfoods market are closed… We are demanding to impose a moratorium on the regulations. We know that they will not have time for amendments, we need a moratorium.”

A meeting with head of the business department of the Ministry of Economy Alyaksandr Hruzdou is planned for 3 p.m. The leader of entrepreneurs will hold “a press conference on the threshold” at Myasnikova Street, 39 an hour earlier.   

Photo: social networks