Tourists photograph registry office in Iuye, get detained

A group of Minsk tourists were detained in Iuye on March 7, blogger budgawl wrote on LiveJournal. According to the blogger, policemen approached his friend when she was photographing the cinema house and library. They asked her for documents and wondered where she had come from. Then they asked the girl to follow them to the police office.

The young woman’s friends were at the other end of the square and noticed what was going on accidentally. They joined their friend and went to the police.

The police spent a lot of time checking whether the tourists had previous convictions. They asked them why they had come to Iuye and who had advised them to visit the town, what they needed the photos for and where they worked.

The police asked the tourists to delete the photos of the public prosecutor’s office, fire department, Executive Committee, library and registry office an hour later.

Then the tourists were let off and the policemen apologized to them.