Belarus' gold and currency reserves down 15.8% in August

The gold and currency reserves of Belarus dropped 16% /
As of September 1, 2020, the international reserve assets of the Republic of Belarus, according to the preliminary data, amounted to USD7, 457.8 million (in the equivalent), reports the press office of the National Bank of Belarus.
Over August 2020, gold and foreign exchange reserves decreased by USD1, 399.6 million (by 15.8%), after the growth in July by USD61. 8 million (by 0.7%).
The sale of foreign exchange by the National Bank at the JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange" was the main factor of a decrease in the level of the international reserve assets in August. With that, the Government and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus repaid external and internal foreign exchange obligations in foreign exchange for the amount of USD351.7 million.
The maintenance of the gold and foreign exchange reserves in August was conditioned by the sale of bonds denominated in foreign exchange by the Ministry of Finance, as well as the receipt of the foreign exchange to the budget.
According to Monetary Policy Guidelines for 2020, the volume of international reserve assets as of January 1, 2021, should be at least USD7.3 billion.
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