Charhinets: About 3 thousand Belarusians did something important to world

Euroradio: Recently, you recalled the names of Belarusians who had made their input into the history of civilization and said that they were worth to be honoured. Is it real to honour such big number of people today?

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Mikalaj Charhinets: We managed to make a discovery by joint forces of our writers. We found about three thousand Belarusians who did something important to the world. We decided to renew these people's memory and to show the role of Belarus in the world by this. For example, who knows that the famous path breaker Przhevalski was a Belarusian, that the Laptevs who discovered the Laptev Sea were also Belarusians, and even Prince Potemkin came from Mahiliou region? Writers and historians must tell about these people. Not only Belarusians, but people in the whole world will read and watch movies about them with pleasure.

Euroradio: Whose destiny impressed you the most?

Mikalaj Charhinets: Cherski, Przhevalski, Sikorski, Rymski-Korsakau, several Presidents of Israel. It pleases us that these people are doing great deeds, even in another country.

Euroradio: Who do you think could deal with honouring the famous Belarusians?

Mikalaj Charhinets: I think that all people who love Belarus should deal with this. We invite writers, historians, TV-workers to make good books and movies.

Euroradio: However, the Belarusian history is so confused that it is difficult to say who is a hero and who is a traitor sometimes...

Mikalaj Charhinets: This is why we need to build up the line of truth, so that even those who were not interested in history would become interested after reading this. I think that this is the obligation of writers, historians, art workers to deal with this.

Euroradio: Won't it turn out that everything in the world was discovered by Belarusians, as a result of such work?

Mikalaj Charhinets: This is the problem of the people who strive to make up history to pamper their own ego. We are against this so there will be no overkill. For example, Adam Mickiewicz is important for both Poles and Belarusians but he was born in Belarus and we need to say that.

Euroradio: There are mostly political emigrants who left Belarus in your list. Many Belarusians leave our country now - does it mean that the history repeats?

Mikalaj Charhinets: We are speaking about those who did not pay attention to politics but did their holy deed, discovered new lands. Can you name at least one contemporary Belarusian who made a turnover in the world and became famous, after leaving due to political reasons? If there were any contemporary Belarusians like this, we would definitely mention them, too.
