How are candidates going to campaign?

Presidential candidates now have a month to conduct the agitation campaign and prove they are the ones to rule the country, to the voters. Euroradio has asked the potential candidates which creative means they will use to surprise Belarusians.

The BPF candidate Ryhor Kastusyou is not going to invent a bicycle - he counts on meetings with people. However, he will go to the places no politician has ever set foot in. 

Ryhor Kastusyou: “Mahileu region is the first one in our schedule. Most attention will be paid to meetings with people in provinces, the ones no politician has ever set foot in. Namely, Chavusy, Bialynichy, Shklou”.

The politician claims there are many interesting ideas, but does not want to disclaim them straightaway. Probably, Kastusyou's face may appear on advertising boards. 

As for Jaraslau Ramanchuk, he is going to shake hands with the voters. The politician is convinced that personal contact is the most effective method for campaigning. 

Jaraslau Ramanchuk: “We have already started the campaign "A Million Hand-Shakes", and we'll continue it more intensively. We will focus on meetings with people”.

Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu will use creative approach, with much noise and fun, says his Press-Secretary Julia Rymasheuskaya. The candidate's HQ members are now getting prepared and do not reveal any future surprises. 

Ales Mikhalevich will go round 20 cities and design leaflets for all social groups. The politician will also prepare many know-hows, but he also keeps them all in secret. 

Ales Mikhalevich: “There will be many unusual things, but it's too early to speak about them now, as this is a know-how, which I do not want do disclaim straightaway”.

In case billboard owners and local authorities agree, Ales Mikhalevich plans to place agitation posters on billboards.

The Christian Democrats' representative Vital Rymasheuski will conduct meetings in churches and at markets. The head of his HQ Paval Sieviarynets has told about it.

Paval Sieviarynets: “There will be different creative events. There will be meetings in the regions. We have already planned more than 100 meetings - in churches, at the markets in micro-districts. We have also planned concerts and different creative contests”.

The BCD will not use billboards during the election campaign, added Paval Sieviarynets. They will use more creative advertisement instead.

As for Mikalaj Statkevich, he considers election a theatrical play and does not want to play the part of a clown.

Mikalaj Statkevich: “They have given us the part of clowns at this election. I am not going to play this part due to my own wish. I will appeal to the voters urging them to take measures to minimize falsifications".

Dzmitry Us will agitate at the meetings, pickets and on TV. Andrej Sannikau does not reveal his plans with regard to campaigning, and Viktar Tsiareshchanka promises to think about campaigning after the registration stage is completed. Let us remind you, registration of candidates is planned to take place on November 18.
