Lukashenka about Russia: So we are partners. I do not mind

Alyaksandr Lukashenka /
Alyaksandr Lukashenka /

Alyaksandr Lukashenka does not mind treating Russians like partners, he announced at the meeting with Novosibirsk Oblast governor Andrei Travnikov on January 24. 

Russia is trying to take a pragmatic position and many people have started speaking about partnership instead of friendship and brotherhood, the Belarusian leader said. “So we are partners. I do not mind. We are as ready to be partners with Russia as Russia is ready for it. Yet, we are against fakes, junk shots and all those targeted attacks in mass media. I have recently had to react to fake reports about Belarusians beating Russians in Minsk,” the press service quotes Lukashenka.

The President meant the much-talked-of video showing a man being driven out of the metro. 

It was a conflict of two Belarusians, Lukashenka said. However, Russian mass media wrote that Russians were being chased in Belarus. “It means that such reports are in demand. Your arrival only testifies to the fact that the good and sane will win and it will be impossible to make Belarusians and Russians clash. Never. It will never happen at least while I am the President,” the Belarusian leader promised.