Pregnant woman with white-red-white umbrella arrested in Minsk

Earlier in Minsk, women held street actions with white-red-white umbrellas / /
A pregnant woman with a white-red-white umbrella was detained in Minsk. The police arrested her right on the street. The court imposed a large fine of 1,850 BYN (527 euros) on her, Zerkalo reports.
The administrative case was considered in October by the court of Partizansky district of the capital. The woman was found guilty of holding an "unauthorized picket" with the help of an umbrella. "In order to publicly express her socio-political feelings, she walked with a white-red-white umbrella and demonstrated it to citizens," the police wrote in the protocol. The evidence was a photo.
The Minsk woman pleaded guilty in part at the trial. She said she didn't have any political intentions, but only wanted to protect herself from the rain. Now the woman "realizes that her actions could have provoked a reaction from the citizens who saw her".
The court "found mitigating circumstances". It turned out that the woman is raising two children, is pregnant and has a steady job.
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