Publisher Andrei Yanushkevich signs contract with Stephen King

Publisher Andrei Yanushkevich / Photo by Yulia Tsimafeyeva
Publisher Andrei Yanushkevich / Photo by Yulia Tsimafeyeva

"In short, they told us it was a great idea and they wanted to support us in our desire to open the Belarusian language to Stephen King," says Andrei Yanushkevich, describing how he negotiated the publication of a translation of the King of Horrors book in his publishing house.

The famous American writer was one of the first authors to say a harsh "no" to Russia after its attack on Ukraine, cancelling all agreements to publish his bestsellers there. But he found it necessary to support Belarusian readers, considering the difficult situation in which Belarusian writers and publishers found themselves after the elections in 2020.

In an interview with Euroradio, Andrei Yanushkevich, who was forced to leave his homeland, shares the news of his publishing house, talks about what inspires him to work abroad and how he manages to negotiate with famous foreign writers.

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