EU recalls all ambassadors from Minsk (UPDATED)

"Following today's request by the Belarusian authorities that the Head of the EU Delegation in
Minsk and the Ambassador of Poland to Belarus leave the country, I have decided, in coordination
with Foreign Minister Sikorski, that we will recall for consultations our two ambassadors.
At the same time, I have called a meeting of Member States Ambassadors (PSC) in Brussels today
to coordinate our response. In an expression of solidarity and unity, it was agreed that the
ambassadors of the EU Member States in Minsk will all be withdrawn for consultations to their
capitals. All EU Member States will also summon Belarusian ambassadors to their foreign
We will continue to follow the situation closely."


Head of the EU's representation in our country Maira Mora and Poland's Ambassador Leszek Szerepka were summoned to the Belarusian MFA today.They were offered "to leave for their capitals for consultations, to convey the firm position of the Belarusian side about inacceptability of pressure and sanctions to their bosses"says the statement of head of the Belarusian MFA's informational administration Andrei Savinykh.

It is also stated that Belarus will prohibit "the persons from the EU countries who facilitated imposing the restrictive measures" to enter its territory in response to the new sanctions of the European Union.

It has become known that Permanent Representative of Belarus to the European Union and the Belarusian Ambassador to Poland were withdrawn back to Minsk for consultations.

The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns that "in case the pressure on the Republic of Belarus is continued, other measures for defending our interests will be implemented". At the same time our country's MFA hopes that the EU will understand that the "way of force" has no prospects: "Belarus' offer on development of the dialogue, interaction and cooperation with the European Union on the basis of the principles of equality and mutual respect remains in force".


Belarus will not publish its expanded "black list".

Our country's MFA stated today that the list would include "the authors of the sanctions".

Although it will be a step to respond to the European "black list", it will include much less than 200 people, a competent source in the MFA has informed to Euroradio.

Donald Tusk: We will take measures but will not give up sanctions

Poland's Prime Minister commented on sending Ambassador Leszek Szerepka and Head of EU's representation Maira Moora off from Minsk for consultations. 

Let us remind you, the Belarusian authorities also called back their representative in the EU and the Ambassador in Poland as a response to the sanctions. Also, "the authors of the sanctions" got to the list of persons who are prohibited to enter Belarus, said in the statement of our country's MFA.

According to "Gazeta Wyborcza"Donald Tusk has noted that the events have just happened and there is too little information about them. "Anyway, we will take measures", - he has said. According to him, the decision of the Belarusian authorities will not influence Poland's position with regard to the sanctions against the official Minsk.


Yakauleuski: The "red line" which Lukashenka spoke about revealed

The Belarusian political scientist has commented on the response of the Belarusian MFA to the new sanctions and statements of the EU.

Raman Yakauleuski thinks that freezing of the diplomatic relations between Belarus and the EU with Poland has started:

"This statement explains what Lukashenka meant when he spoke about some "red line" [in the relations between the EU and Belarus, the one he advised not to cross]. So, this line revealed...

In my opinion, as for the European Union's representation, a diplomatic mission in fact, this is the first incident of the kind in the short yet history of Catherine Ashton's foreign policy service... In fact, this means freezing of the diplomatic relations". 

As for the threats of the Belarusian MFA to use some measures in case of continuation of pressure on our country, Yakauleuski is convinced that it is worth to expect a "psychological war".

Yakauleuski: "Shortening of personnel [of the EU's representation and the Polish Embassy]. This is the same what happened to the American Embassy... I also do not exclude that we may soon become witnesses of new "TV-series" about diplomats. This means the psychological war".


Poland's MFA: Conditions for resuming dialogue with Minsk are known.

They are ceasing of repressions against the Belarusian civil society and return to the way of democratization.

Euroradio has been informed about this in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The MFA has called today's decision of the Belarusian authorities "an unfriendly move of the Belarusian side against the whole European Union" and added that "it will meet with the EU's response".


EU is deciding what to respond to Minsk

A consultative session chaired by head of the EU's foreign policy service Catherine Ashton is taking place in Brussels.

According to the information provided by the diplomatic sources of the Polish news agency РАР, the EU's possible answer may be departure of the ambassadors of all the 27 countries-members of the EU from Belarus. "We need to coordinate our response", — Ashton's spokesperson  Maja Kocijancic has said. She has added that Maira Moora, the head of the EU's representation in Belarus, is still in Minsk.


Polish politician calls on EU member states to recall ambassadors

"I hope that all of EU member states will act unambiguously”, says Grzegorz Schetyna.  

Mr Schetyna who chairs the Polish parliament's foreign affairs committee has described the move of Belarus authorities as “an alarming signal that has once again demonstrated Lukashenka's attitude towards the European Union”.

He also stressed that Minsk's actions are “the reflection and acknowledgment of Poland's significant role”, since only the Polish ambassador and the EU envoy were told to leave the country. "Only united and successful actions will be effective", Grzegorz Schetyna is quoted by the Polish news agency  PAP.


European Parliament's President condemns actions of Belarusian authorities

Martin Schulz made a statement following a decision of the Belarus authorities to ask the ambassadors of the EU and of Poland to leave the country:

Here is the text of the statement: "I deeply regret this decision. It is a disproportionate, unhelpful and counterproductive step. It harms further the relations between Belarus and the European Union. 

I consider it a hostile act. 

Instead of choosing increasing self-isolation, Minsk should make the right choice for its people and open itself towards democracy.

As the first step, Belarus should release unconditionally and rehabilitate all political prisoners. This would help in a review of the EU's restrictive measures and allow Belarus and the EU to embark on the path of gradual re-engagement. 

The European Union and Belarus should have good neighbourly relations. The European Parliament supports civil society and the democratic aspirations of the Belarusian people."


German MFA withdraws its Ambassador from Minsk

German Minister for Foreign Affairs Guido Westerwelle has said this on February 28 in Brussels.

According to the information provided by BelaPAN, Guido Westerwelle has noted as he reacted to the statement of the Belarusian MFA: "This is a step against Poland, against the European Union, equal to a step against us, the Germans".

"Europeans cannot tolerate such violation in Belarus, which is the last dictatorship in Europe", Bloomberg quotes Mr. Westerwelle. According to the news agency dpa, the German Minister has expressed "indignation" with the decision of the Belarusian authorities.

In the opinion of the head of the German MFA, it is time for all other countries of the European Union to withdraw their representatives for consultations. A series of the EU countries are considering the possibility of such measure.