Belarusian customs officials admit saving on guarding Western borders

 The news that the Customs Committee reduces the number of frontier guards on the borders with the EU looks very much like a joke or a provocation. To dispel rumors, Euroradio has called the press service of the Customs Committee. Surprisingly, we have found out there that the guards indeed decided to guard the "exit" from Belarus to the West less vigilantly.

"The point is, the EU sanctions are aimed at large enterprises that make a great contribution to the Belarusian budget. How can it remain without consequences? Probably everyone got used to the fact that we work the same on entry and on exit. The density of control was the same ... But now, taking into account the issues of finance, budget issues, we will reduce the efforts to control the departure from Belarus. That is, we give the right to control entry into the European Union to our neighbors, "- says spokesman of the Customs Committee Alyaksandr Tsishchanka.

Such statements of the Belarusian customs officials sound more than unpleasant for the Europeans 50 days before the start of the Euro’2012. The situation is getting more complicated as Summer is the "season" for illegal immigrants who try to get to Europe through the Belarusian border. Belarusian customs officials confirm this to Euroradio.

"It is expected that when the weather gets warm the number of people who attempt to cross the border illegally will increase. Illegal immigrants try and move through the checkpoints with forged documents, and move across the border by the “green line”: some people do undermining, others simply pass "-frontier guards at one of the border-crossing point warn Euroradio.

Alyaksandr Tsishchanka adds that the frontier guards do not refuse to guard the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia in any case. There won’t be a hole.

"We cannot say that a “hole” is formed at the border, - the official stresses. – However, all the frontier guards still have a priority to control the entry into the country. This is why the state creates customs services - primarily, to protect its own borders. If the state says that the priority is given to domestic interests, - it is logical. Therefore, I do not understand panic or something like that. "

Euroradio will follow the situation and find out what the Polish frontier guards think about this.