Lukashenka sacks four directors in two months

"Fire them by this evening", - Alyaksandr Lukashenka ordered, speaking about Director of Minsk worsted integrated works Svyatlana Stryzhak, and then the "Bellehpram" head Henadz Vyrko and his deputy Andrei Mytnik

"What I saw here is a criminal irresponsibility. I do not say that they had to clean and white-wash everything here, in this shit, no. But - how come? I see broken glass, and the people, women, working here. Ladutska was here, and Syamashka, and Myasnikovich. This sis a crime and it should be punished".

Euroradio has noticed that the Belarusian leader started visiting various enterprises recently, and some of these visits ended in discharges - on November 23, the General Director of "Ivatsevichdreu" was fired, on October 12 - directors of "Spartak" and "Kamunarka". 4 directors in 2 months, plus the directive board of "Bellehpram".

Economist Leanid Zaika considers that this is connected with the dead-locked situation, which occurred in the wood processing industry and the consumer goods industry. This is why he chose these exact branches for demonstrative changes.

"He is probably angry with himself. On the one hand, the President realizes that the nomenclature would like to privatize and divide this property. Especially this concerns the consumer goods industry, the enterprises located in the urban areas with a lot real estate and land. The nomenclature is eager to eat that. Moreover, they are not good workers, so the enterprises got neglected.

Now Lukashenka took these absolutely disastrous branches where there's actually no one to give orders to, and changed the directive boards, to frighten everyone, to make the society see how he struggles with bad directors".

On the whole, there were a series of discharges which made much fuss this year. In the beginning of the year - the directive board of the Interior Ministry, head of the Frontier Committee and the bosses of the Air Forces were fired after the Swedish teddy bears landing. The Minister of Sports, the President's Assistant on Sports Issues, and two Vice-Presidents of the National Olympic Committee lost their jobs after the Olympics. The heads of the Education Committee of Minsk city executive office and the Frunzenski district Education Administration were fired after the tragedy with Minsk school kid, who died in the car accident.

January 16

Aleh Pyakarski - First Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs

May 11

Anatol Kulyashou - Minister for Internal Affairs

June 18

14 judges, including those who convicted the opposition members and were included in EU's list of travel banned for this

July 31

Ihar Rachkouski - Head of the State Frontier Committee

Dzmitry Pakhmelkin - Commander of the Air Forces and the Air Defence Troops

September 24

Uladzimir Bashtanenka - Deputy Commander of the Air Forces and the Air Defence Troops

October 12

Natallia Kot - General Director of "Kamunarka" PLC

Alesya Samsonava - General Director of "Spartak", Homel

October 26

Aleh Kachan - Minister of Sports and Tourism

Ihar Zaichkou - President;s Advisor on the issues of physical culture, sports and development of tourism

Syarhei Tsyatserin and Henadz Alyakseyenka - Vice-Presidents of the National Olympic Committee

November 9

Vadzim Zaitsau - KGB Chairman

November 23

Barys Mikhnyuk - General Director of "Ivatsevichdreu" PLC

November 30

Uladzimir Scherba - Head of the Education Committee of Minsk city executive office

Stanislau Koipash - Head of Frunzenski district Education Administration

December 17

Svyatlana Stryzhak - Director of "Kamvol" PLC

Henadz Vyrko - Head of "Bellehpram" concern

Andrei Mytnik - Deputy Head of "Bellehpram" concern