International Human Rights Day marked today

The human rights center "Vyasna" informs that several events will take place today.

First, there will be the traditional awarding ceremony for exceptional achievements in the field of human rights defense in three nominations "Human Rights Defender of the Year", "Lawyer of the Year", and "Journalist of the Year". The winners will be announced at 3 p.m. at the office of the civil initiative "Solidarity".

At 11.00 there will be a round table discussion "Human Rights Defense in Belarus - Results of 2012", with participation of Belarusian NGOs and representatives of the Penal Reform International.

Also, art exhibition of Volha Baburyna will be opened at 6 p.m. at the BPF office (Charnysheuski Street, 3).

Also, human rights defenders from "Vyasna" will announce the results of the hand-made contest on the topic of human rights. The grand-prix is a graphical i-pad.

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