"They started harassing "Viasna" after Makey had visited Vilnius"

Famous Lithuanian politician Mečys Laurinkus thinks that disclosure of Byalyatski's bank accounts information "is not a technical mistake, and probably a systematic activity, which may raise not only the Seimas' interest.

In his publication for Lietuvos Rytas he notes that the start of harassment of human rights defenders coincides with the visits of Lukashenka's envoys.

"With which aim after the presidential elections... On January 5 already...did Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Valery Varanetki, and head of Lukashenka's administration Uladzimir Makey, on January 27, visit the Lithuanian president's office? There is no information about these visits. Besides, intensive harassment of the opposition organization "Viasna" started in Belarus since then".

Mečys Laurinkus writes that Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė should be blamed for the disgraceful situation with handing out the Belarusian opposition, as she conducted a lame reform of state bodies. The politician notes that, previously, legal enquiries from other countries went through estimation of the State Security Department, and now "each body works individually".