Buffer zone now operational in Poland on border with Belarus

On the Polish border / pap.pl
On June 13, a buffer zone was put into operation in Poland on the border with Belarus. The buffer zone provides for a ban on staying near the border. However, journalists and representatives of humanitarian organizations will be able to visit these areas if they have a pass, the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs said the other day.
A special regime will be introduced on a 60-kilometer-long section, which is located in Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park. In most cases, the depth of the zone will be 200 meters, but in some cases (in the area of 16 km) - up to 2 km. The buffer zone has been created in those places where migrants most often try to violate the border and where the most aggressive behavior on their part has been recorded. It does not affect the main tourist attractions and routes of Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park. It is introduced to make life more difficult for smugglers who make money by transporting migrants. It is expected to be in effect for 90 days.
The decision to introduce a buffer zone was made after an incident in which a Polish soldier was wounded. Migrants tried to enter Poland and one of them stabbed a soldier. The wound ultimately turned out to be fatal.
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