Campaign or lose: new media and... sex?

Everything's fair at elections, as at war or in love. For example, you can install your rival's name near the peeing boy fountain.

Or you can blow giant heads of candidates and take a tour round the city, as they did in London:
We live in a totally internet-oriented world, thus politics follows people, and candidates follow voters.
Twitter-revolution in Moldova
Twitter-communication between people was very popular during the presidential election in Moldova, as all the other popular media and social networks were blocked then. As for Twitter, the authorities either didn't know about it or just underestimated it.
As a result, those who did not agree with the outcome of the election, united by  #pman (the place of gathering - the square near Stefan cel Mare's monument), all those who received the message "If you haven't voted for the communists, come to the square with a candle at 6 p.m.!" got together in the said place.
The organizers expected no more than a 1000 people, but there were 15 000. 
SMS-mailing in Egypt
President Hosni Murabak has stayed in power for a quarter of a century, however, it takes him much more efforts to struggle against the opposition since they learned new technologies. An organization which does not want to reveal its name yet, has started free sms-mailing using the "Frontline-SMS" technology recently.
It is necessary to obtain support of a mobile operator to be able to use this technology, which was almost impossible in Egypt. Thus, they came up with an idea to use the operator of a neighbouring country.  
Political sex!

Euroradio has noticed an interesting sex-trend in the political technologies of the neighbouring countries recently. For example, the group sex flash-mob in the biological museum in Moscow, also known as  "%ck for the heir puppy bear!". The participants of this absurd action undressed and started having sex in one of the museum's halls. Everything was photographed and filmed, while the participants - the "Voina" performance group - showed WHAT the authorities do with the people, and that the people like that. As for Ukraine, only the feminist girls undressed in front of the camera: women's movement FEMEN conducted an action against construction of a helicopter ground in the center of Kyiv. They also met President Putin with naked breasts as an action of protest in Kyiv, and  booed Patriarch of Moscow Kiryl out of the city by their "Get Out!" action.  Here you can see pictures of the actions “Ukraine is not a Brothel”, “А-tа-tа”, “De-butter-muslinization” and others.

The "breast topic" was expanded in other countries, too. Hungarian tabloids published a picture of a breast-feeding candidate for Mayor, and one of the British web-sites suggests to order a T-shirt with hte image of two breasts, one being a Democrats' logo, the other - a Republicans'.