Milinkevich: Colony's bosses admit that Likhavid is a strong person

The leader of the movement "For Freedom" Aliaksandr Milinkevich visited the colony No. 10 in Novapolatsk today, where Mikita Likhavid is imprisoned for 3,5 years for participation in Square events. The political prisoner claims that he was convicted illegally, refuses to follow orders and has already spent dozens of days in the disciplinary cell. Euroradio has talked to Milinkevich on air.

Euroradio: Tell us about the meeting - what did you say, what did the colony's head answer?

Milinkevich: “We were lucky to meet with the head of the colony, with his deputy, with the head of the department of upbringing work and with the head of medical-sanitary unit. We saw everyone we wanted to see. We clarified his health condition. We spoke about the opportunities for provision of medical assistance, medicines, and also about confinement conditions in the disciplinary cell. We clarified all those issues. The colony's administration claimed they had no special complaints against Likhavid, that he is a well-brought and undoubtedly strong person. However, he took the decision to boycott morning exercises, cleaning the premises, he does not follow the orders, and, according to the colony's rules, he is supposed to be punished for that. They cannot leave these rules unfollowed as they are made for everyone”.

Euroradio: Do they explain this saying "the law is strict, but it's the law"?

Milinkevich: “They say, if you were us, if you served, wore shoulder straps, wouldn’t you follow the instructions and rules of confinement in a colony? We said it was not an ordinary case, that it was not just our opinion but the opinion of the whole democratic community, that those were political prisoners, prisoners of conscience. We said it gained a big resonance in the world and that they needed to do their best so that this person would not damage his health during this punishment, especially because this punishment is unfair”.

Euroradio: You say that you spoke about Mikita's health. What do the doctors say, how is he?

Мілінкевіч: “The chief physician of the colony and the head of the institution claimed that they carefully watched his health condition, as there were not many such examples in their practice. They stated that his health is normal. However, I do realize that with such poor nutrition (food in the disciplinary cell is much worse), and absence of an opportunity to breathe in fresh air, it's very difficult for an adult person, leave alone a youngster like Mikita. We do realize that his health condition is getting worse without any doubts”.

Euroradio: There was information that Mikita was alone in the disciplinary cell, is it true?

Milinkevich: “He was there alone in the beginning. Now, as far as I know, they added 5 more prisoners to him. That means, several more offenders”.

Euroradio: How did the colony's administration react on your visit, did you warn them beforehand?

Milinkevich: “We did not warn them. But it was obvious they had been expecting us. We understand that. It is difficult to say where they took this information. Apart from that, I applied for a personal meeting with Likhavid. According to the rules, as they explained to me, it was impossible while he was in the disciplinary cell. And then, as I am not his close relative, he is supposed to apply to the head of the colony for this meeting to take place. I asked Mikita's mother so that she would ask him to write such a letter to the head of the colony the next time she sees him as I want to meet with Mikita”.

Euroradio: What is your opinion as a leader of the movement "For Freedom", and as a person - is it worth for Mikita Likhavid to stick to his position? Or should he obey the order which exists in the colony?

Milinkevich: “Mikita did a lot to turn attention to the situation with human rights and violations thereof in Belarus. This case has really gained international resonance and it is known inside the country as well. He did more than such a young and inexperienced person could possibly do. Therefore, I think that he should proceed to planning his own life. He should think about the future. We are fighting for freedom and democracy but there will be a new Belarus. He should be strong and healthy to help to build it. He is important for our country, as many-many others. I think he should stop this form of protest for the sake of his own future and the future of Belarus”.

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