Ukrainian opposition gathering Euromaidan (video)

About 1.5 thousand people gartered in Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kiev last night. They were dissatisfied with the government’s decision to suspend the preparation for an association agreement with the European Union, RIA Novosti reports.

There are a few police buses in the centre of the city. They are blocking the roads leading to the Ukrainian President’s Administration in Bankovaya Street.  

Opposition politicians came to support activists in Maidan. Head of the parliamentary faction Batkivshchyna Arsen Yatsenyuk, leader of the party Udar Vitali Klichko, leader of the nationalist party Svoboda Oleh Tyahnybok and ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yuri Lutsenko were among them.

The Ukrainian government suspended the preparation for signing an association agreement with the EU on November 21. It was explained by the necessity to develop economic relations with Russia and the CIS.

Ukrainian opposition parties are urging citizens to join a protest action that will be organized in connection with this decision in the centre of Kiev on Sunday, November 24.

Photo: LIGABusinessInform and