Volnaje Pavetra or "Understanding Belarus with the help of art" (photo)

The fifth international new ethno festival has taken place in Shabli. Such bands as "Harotnitsa", Kriwi, Troitsa, Port Mone, DahaBraha and DJ Grine Kuzine have taken part in it.

More details about the festival coming soon!

Fire-orchestra "Harotnitsa" opens the jubilee "Volnaje Pavetra"

Traditional yoga classes in Shabli

Festival host Uladzimir Shablinski

Main stage

Children's shop


World cow-dung throwing championship

By the way, the championship participants were very smart this year. They did not simply throw cow-dungs, they made "shots" from them. The most creative people put stones in their shots to make them "fly farther". The record was 54 metres!

One of the founders of the Belarusian ethno-modern - Aleh Hamenka, presenter of the festival

"Troitsa" visited "Volnaje Pavetra" after their successful European tour. Songs from "Zimachka" and the new "Tsar-Fire" were performed there.

"Troista" attracted most viewers

Port Mone and Ukrainian DahaBraha presented their joint project to the Belarusian audience

People waiting for the German band in the evening

By the way, the festival stage was given to DJs. DJ Balkana came to Shabli from Russia

The German guests - Berlin orchestra Di Grine Kuzine. The strange band played a wonderful mix of Bulgarian and German songs with klezmer motives and light ska.