Catholics from Pinsk on pilgrimage to Yanau (photo)
Parishioners from the St. Mary Cathedral in Pinsk have set off for the first pilgrimage to Yanau, Brest region where St. Andrei Baboli was executed. On their way, people will sing religious anthems and will have others join the pilgrimage. St Andrei Babolia will be commemorated on May 16 in Yanau. On that day, the small town will be filled with pilgrimages from various towns in Belarus and Poland. All the bishops from Belarus will attend the event.
On May 15, 1657 Pastor Andrei Babolia was captured by Cossaks who were forcing him to refuse from the Catholic faith. He was tortured by fire, and his skin from palms and head was removed. He was declared a saint by Pope Piy IX in 1853.
On May 15, 1657 Pastor Andrei Babolia was captured by Cossaks who were forcing him to refuse from the Catholic faith. He was tortured by fire, and his skin from palms and head was removed. He was declared a saint by Pope Piy IX in 1853.