Ecological coffee shop in Brest
The local non-governmental organization Ecological Information Center has staged a meeting with the public at the cafe of the Belarus cinema theater. A hired lecturer talked for one hour and a half about the acute environmental problems. Ala Sushko, the center's coordinator, explained the European Radio for Belarus: "The ecological cafe envisages a series of topical meetings that we organize monthly. The current topic is Global Climate Changes: How Do They Affect People in Belarus? We want everyone who enters this cafe to realize that ecological problems are global and affect all of us. Some 50 people, mainly students, attended the lecture".
Guest speaker was Natalia Parechyna from the Minsk-based Ecodom company. Ecodom is renowned for a joint German-Belarusian project that builds houses for displaced persons from the Chernobyl-affected areas. New houses are built near Lake Narach and in the town of Lepel in the north of Belarus.
Guest speaker was Natalia Parechyna from the Minsk-based Ecodom company. Ecodom is renowned for a joint German-Belarusian project that builds houses for displaced persons from the Chernobyl-affected areas. New houses are built near Lake Narach and in the town of Lepel in the north of Belarus.