Expert: Belarus demonstrates special relations with China
Belarusian parliament passes law to allow presence of Chinese troops during exercises in Belarus.
The agreement denotes the state of the Asian country’s troops temporarily deployed in Belarus. The new law also indicates the state of Belarusian troops deployed in China for joint manoeuvres.
The presence of armed Chinese troops was not regulated by law before, military observer Alyaksandr Alesin noted. That is why the exchange of troops that existed could be called “military tourism”. Now the presence of Chinese military men in Belarus will be legalized, the expert said.
"It is a special political move,” Alyaksandr Alesin told Euroradio. “It demonstrates our independence. Our state is independent and it can make friends with anyone when it comes to military issues... Belarus will benefit from it more. We will prove our status in relations with China as a strategic partner. It demonstrates our special relations.”
An anti-terrorist China-Belarus training session was organized in China at the end of 2012. Belarusian officers commanded Chinese troops and Chinese commanders gave orders to Belarusian soldiers back then.
Photo: China Foto Press / Barcroft Media