Invalid fined for commemoration of January Uprising participants in Vaukavysk

У Ваўкавыску за ўшанаванне паўстанцаў Каліноўскага асудзілі інваліда

Vaukavysk District Court fined Vital Hulyak for Br7.2 million (40 base amounts) for participation in an unauthorized action in memory of the participants of the January Uprising held in Svislach, Radio Liberty reports.  


The sentence was pronounced in his absence. Hulyak is an invalid of the second disability group. He was undergoing an operation on his leg when he was summoned to court by SMS. Hulyak phoned the court and said that he was in hospital and could not attend the hearing.


He is recovering from the operation at home now. He received his sentence by post.


5 activists form Hrodna Province stood trial for the action. They were fined for various sums – from Br1.8 million to 7.2 million.


The action was held in Svislach and Yakushouka (the Kalinowski’s family residence) on October 31, 2015.

18 people stood trial for commemorating the participants of the January Uprising of 1863 last year.

