Ministry of Sport: Whole Paralympic team decided to carry Russian flag

Мінспорту: Рашэнне аб расійскім сцягу на Паралімпіядзе прыняла ўся каманда

The Ministry is receiving numerous inquiries after the incident at the Paralympics in Rio.


"It was the team’s decision and it was fulfilled by Andrei Fomachkin working for the national team department of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. The Belarusian Paralympians decided to express solidarity with their Russian colleagues who had been unfairly suspended from the competition in Brasil,” the Ministry announced.

The action was not approved by official Minsk, officials from the Ministry of Sport used to say. Nevertheless, Fomachkin’s deed has been approved by the Belarusian President. The International Paralympic Committee has deprived Fomachkin of accreditation.